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Crazy!: This Woman is Aborting her 5months old Pregnancy this Week just cos She Wants to be on Big Brother! (Photos)

Wannabe UK celebrity, 23 year old Josie Cunningham, is already 18 weeks pregnant - almost 5 months pregnant. But in a shocking revelation she made yesterday, she's having her lil unborn baby aborted this week because she believes her chance of appearing on Channels 5 UK TV’s Big Brother is worth more than her unborn child’s life.

The controversial model and call girl, according to MirrorUK, got pregnant after a condom split when she was sleeping with a client in December. Then she had sex with a footballer and didn’t use contraception at all later on. When she found out she was pregnant and didn't know exactly who the baby's father is, the footballer and the client – who is a high-flying surgeon – both offered to support Josie financially if she had the baby. But she said no. So now, the footballer has agreed to pay for the abortion at a London private clinic.

Read all she told MirrorUK after the cut

“I’m finally on the verge of becoming famous and I’m not going to ruin it now. An abortion will further my career. This time next year I won’t have a baby. Instead, I’ll be famous, driving a bright pinkRange Rover and buying a big house. Nothing will get in my way. 
Channel 5 were keen to shortlist me then they found out I was pregnant. Then they suddenly turned cold. That was when I started considering an abortion. After the operation I will be going back to them and asking if they will still consider me. I’ve also had loads of other offers to further my career – and I’m not willing to give them up because I’m pregnant.”

Yet only nine days ago, Josie was excitedly tweeting a scan picture of her unborn child.
Josie continued:
“At first I thought thank God it’s a footballer or a doctor and not a Big Issue seller and they have money. Suddenly I was pregnant and I could get free dental work on the NHS, so I got a tooth straightened for cosmetic reasons, and it all seemed great.  
But then I started to think. I didn’t want to be famous for having a ­footballer’s baby or for being the girl who had a kid by someone who paid for sex. I want to be famous for being me – Josie Cunningham, a glamour model and celebrity in my own right. If I want to do that I need to put my career first. I want the attention to be on me, not on who fathered my child. 
I was excited at first but as soon as I noticed I was getting bigger, that was it. I realised it would be at least a year before I could do any glamour modelling if I went through with it and, in my opinion, nobody wants to see a naked pregnant lady. 
People will disagree with my actions. They always do, but I don’t care.

Josie is already mum to 2 boys Harley, six, and Frankie, three.


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